Life in “ordinary reality”..

Life in “ordinary reality”..

As a child, I always felt like I didn’t belong.  I know, typical…but it’s not what you think.  I always saw things others didn’t, I felt things that were too intense for a 10 year old, and all I wanted to do was hide from the world.  I read a book about a yogi when I was 11, about a man who learned the power of meditation through teachings of a yogic tradition.  He stared at a flame until he could control it…I remembered thinking, YES! This is the answer, magical powers, I need this in my life.  So, I practiced all the time, reading minds, controlling a candle flame, and levitation.  Yes, I was a super weird child.

Nothing happened for a long time, however, one day while “meditating” – I felt my soul lift from my body and suddenly I was floating above myself.  When I learned magic was possible, I began meditating all the time, and leaving my body whenever I wanted.  years Later on in my late teens, I barely felt my body, and certainly stopped living my life- ordinary reality.   Sounds exciting, but it came at a cost.  You see, we were put in human bodies to live and learn. When I spent all my time outside of my body (where I was safe, and normal…) I was in essence stunting my own spiritual growth.  This is the story of my current life (in semi ordinary reality), and what brought me back to live the life my soul signed up for.

Much Love to whatever reality you are living today.

In awe of your soul.

xo – Sparrow